Monday, April 16, 2007

Olmert and Abbas discuss bugger all.

Olmert and Abbas' meeting on Sunday was even more useless than I thought it might be.

There appears to have been no discussion at all regarding the Saudi Peace plan and where the two sides go from here. Instead, Olmert has backed the Dayton plan for the training and arming of the Palestinian Presidential Guard, loyal to Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas, and promised to introduce a double-shift framework at the Karni Crossing to make sure goods from Gaza can pass quicker into Israel.

"Trucks will no longer have to wait more than one day," Olmert reportedly said.
That's progress, Olmert style. I mean it's not as if there was anything important they could have been talking about is it?

Click title for full article.


Unknown said...

I think you chose the perfect picture to illustrate the Palestinian desire for peace.

Kel said...

It was actually chosen to represent what is actually taking place whilst Abbas and Olmert discuss the opening of the Karni crossing.