Monday, April 23, 2007

Louis Theroux: The Most Hated Family in America

Anything They Say posted a link to this family singing about Why God Hates Americans. It reminded me that Louis Theroux did a wonderful documentary about these foul people.

I guarantee that you will watch this with your mouth open.


AF said...

"Don't you think Jesus had other priorities?"


I love watching LT and his subtle line of questioning. You can sense he genuinely tries to get them to rethink their logic.

Living proof that you don't need to be intellectual to be a heretic.

I'm only saddened that they are raising their children not to think or question, and they are indeed products of their own parents' flawed theology.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Kel.

It's too bad Child Protection Services can't do anything about the Phelps family. What a group of nutcases. And yes, they have to be the most hated family in the States if I agree with Sean Hannity on that fact.


Kel said...

Alex and Robster,

It's the fact that their children are being raised in such an environment that I found so troubling.

And Robster, there are few families which both Bush and I would agree are monsters, but in this case even I couldn't argue. The picketing of funerals simply appalled me.

Oh and Alex, didn't you love LT's questioning of the young girl. You could almost feel the logic of her world cracking around her as she struggled to hold on to what she had been told was the truth.

I've always been a huge fan of LT's style.

Unknown said...

Yes, I was touched by the pain of that one girl too. She was actually my favorite character. I liked how Louis was almost flirting with her. Shows that you can just *puff* breathe on the girl's fragile world view, and it will scatter on the wind like one of those fuzzy flowers you can blow on. Despite all the brainwashing, the girl is still human with unquenchable human emotions. That makes her special. Her apparent weakness is actually a strength welling up within her, champing at the bit. I believe she will break free. Makes her a heroine of sorts. I found myself rooting for her to join the four the "fell away" from the family and that church. I wish Louis would go track down those four and show us how they live.

Plus, since I'm so perverse and also perverted, I think it would be awesome if Louis scored with the girl. Heh heh heh...Am I an asshole for thinking that?

Kel said...


That was very funny. I knew you were thinking it but I didn't think you would simply say it!

You really would need some chat up line to undermine nearly two decades of brainwashing!