Friday, April 27, 2007

Democratic Debate: Gravel "Frightened" by other Dem Candidates

Gravel doesn't have a chance in Hell, but it's interesting to hear someone simply tell the truth. Even the big hitters like Obama seem to feel that they have to play the "Nothing's off the table with regard to Iran" card.


Anonymous said...

Your post is short but says a lot - how sad that we have created a world where those leaders telling the truth don't stand a chance in hell!

Wonder why we don't change the process by insisiting on leaders that tell the truth?

The answer might hit a little to close to home and be a bit personal?

Larry said...

Gravel won't last long as he makes the other uncomfortable.

At least he had his say.

Kel said...


I'm with you on that one.


I just think people shouldn't be uncomfortable around someone who says pre-emptive nuclear strikes are wrong. That's so obvious "it's a no-brainer", as Cheney might say of waterboarding!

Kel said...

Thanks Bibi,

Look forward to seeing you again!

Unknown said...

I noticed that the front runners of the Democratic candidates for the 2008 presidential race were favored over the rest. Some of them were given less time to talk and were given less questions. However, i found the debate helpful because it gave me more information about the candidates. I'm now looking forward to the Republican candidates' debate.

Kel said...


I always enjoy the debates and am usually flabbergasted at how candidates weld themselves to positions in order to shore up "the base".