Sunday, April 22, 2007

Bill Moyers on the state of journalism

On Bill Maher's show, Moyers asks how many Americans is this President going to sacrifice on the alter of his own ego? And he asks, when will the Washington Press Corps realise their own complicity in the Iraq war?


United We Lay said...

I saw this interview and was, for one second, optimistic about the media.

Kel said...

Yep, that's about how long it lasts!

Unknown said...

I love that you're in the UK and getting Bill's show. His panels have been lacking due to a bad guest every other week...two weeks ago it was Dana Carvey embarrasing himself, but this last panel was great. The Moyers interview...I could have watched that for 60 minutes, easily!

Kel said...


Unfortunately I only get clips of Bill's show on YouTube, though we do get the Daily Show with Jon Stewart over here now!