Senate Regrets the Vote to Enter Iraq
By ABC News' count, if the Senators knew then what they know now, only 43 — at most — would still vote to approve the use of force and the measure would be defeated. And at least 57 senators would vote against going to war, a number that combines those who already voted against the war resolution with those who told ABC News they would vote against going to war, or said that the pre-war intelligence has been proven so wrong the measure would lose or it would never even come to a vote. For any Senate vote to switch from 77-23 in favor to essentially 57-43 against is quite remarkable, and far more so for a decision as significant as the one to go to war. If they knew then what they know now:
tag: Bush, Iraq, Iraq war, US Senate
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Congresswoman Sherri Davis, R-CA, Launches Two New “Internet- Only” Talk Shows in 2007
“Talking on Tuesdays” to debut on Tuesdays; “Talking on Thursdays” will broadcast each Thursday. Says Davis: “Expect Some Controversy!”
New York, NY (PRINSIDE) January 5, 2007 -- California Congresswoman Sherri Davis, R-CA, known as the "Ann Coulter of Anaheim" for her fierce opposition to flag-burners and illegal immigrants and her unyielding support for the American family, issued a statement today announcing the debut of two new Internet-only talk shows, “Talking on Tuesdays” and “Talking on Thursdays,” to be hosted by herself.
“Talking on Thursdays,” which will be broadcast on the Internet each Thursday, will focus on the top political issues of the day. Davis’ second show, “Talking on Tuesdays,” will be broadcast each Tuesday and will focus on “the lighter side of life”: fashion, film, self-improvement -– and tips to viewers on how to acquire the essential “people skills” that are the keys to success in today’s service-oriented society.
The two new shows will be produced by cable television’s Myron Kempelstein. Davis will moderate both shows, and surprise celebrity guests can be expected. Selections from the shows can be seen at these links.
Typical topics for Davis’ “Talking on Thursdays” show will include inside legislative looks at some of Davis’ signature legislation -- dubbed “Sherri’s War of Ideas” by her friends in the American media. “‘Sherri’s War of Ideas’ is a pure war of ideas that seeks to portray Democratic proposals as “pro-spending, pro-tax – or just plain unworkable,” notes Davis.
In her premiere edition of “Talking on Thursdays,” Davis says she plans to go on the attack against the Democratic War in Iraq -- and offer some sensible solutions. “Nancy (Pelosi) and I have been engaging in a number of think-tank-style discussions on the issue of the Democratic War in Iraq – and I think you’ll be surprised at the solution we’ve come up with,” says Davis. “Most likely the solution we will propose in my premiere show will take the form of some kind of a ‘Grand Bargain’ – but you’ll just have to tune in to see what our solution to the war really is!”
Davis also promises her fans that a “special edition” of “Talking on Thursdays” will pay tribute to the many legislative contributions of fellow Californian Bill Thomas, former chair of the House Ways and Means Committee. “Around the House, Bill was known as ‘Compassion With a Calculator,’” says Davis. “And there is even talk of legislatively renaming the famous Donner Pass after Bill –- and calling it ‘Bill Thomas Way.’ Because the story of the Donner Pass is really a story about people helping people, people helping people, and that’s what Bill was all about as well.”
With her second show, “Talking on Tuesdays,” Davis steps into the television shoes vacated by the recent cancellation of the “Megan Mullally Show.” “It’s a much lighter show than my ‘Talking on Thursdays’ show,” says Davis. “In one sense, it’s almost frivolous.”
Among the treats in store for viewers of “Talking on Tuesdays” are dramatic readings by Davis herself from Jack Welch’s best-selling book, “Winning,” and fashion tips on how to attain the “Nancy Pelosi look” on a shoestring. “Not to give too much away, but instead of wearing an 18-inch strand of Tahitian pearls like Nancy does,” advises Davis, “you can wear a 16-inch strand –- and slouch.” Davis will also review Mel Gibson’s new film, “Apocalypto.”
Davis – who heads the House Entertainment Committee – has become known as the “Voice of Hollywood” in the House, and recently proposed increased trade subsidies to promote America’s D-List celebrities to the world market. “Early market research shows a substantial demand for Wilmer Valderamma in nations such as Pakistan and Bolivia,” notes Davis. “And Kathy Griffin would do very well in Palestine and some of the bordering states, if only we had a way to market her there. And just imagine where Carrot Top could go.” It is “small baby steps” such as these that will help America solve its ever-growing and increasingly menacing foreign trade deficit, says Davis.
Despite the fame and notoriety that typically accompanies the launch of any new broadcast venture, Davis promises not to allow the spotlights to distract her from her legislative mission this year, noting that she has already introduced five Constitutional amendments so far this year. “And there are more to come!” says Davis with her trademark grin.
Congresswoman Davis, a rising star of the Republican Party, has been gaining traction in political popularity polls recently through a series of think-tank-style town hall meetings. Most recently, Davis told a cheering crowd in rural New Hampshire about her proposed "Bible Repatriation Act," (BRA), which she intends to push through in the coming legislative sessions in order to bring control of the Bible back into the hands of America by requiring that all Bibles be printed in this country.
"Just yesterday, a constituent sent me a copy of a Bible he had acquired that was printed in a foreign country -– and I can’t tell you which country because of National Security reasons,” says Davis. “While reading this particular Bible, he discovered that in Kings and then again in Deuteronomy, the sections of the Bible that talk about ‘approved entrances’ to the human body had been altered somehow during the printing process to include new, unapproved entrances to the human body that the Lord in his wisdom never intended to open up for use. And it is safe to say that this is obviously the work of America’s foreign enemies – enemies who are not only anti-American, but also anti-family. Hence my support of BRA. Bring our Bibles home. Bring them home."
As she presses for swift Congressional passage of BRA, Davis continues her work on the rest of her "signature" legislative packages, including the Mandatory Portion Control Act (MPCA), aimed at curbing America's growing obesity problem and "Project SATYR" (Scrapboooking Accelerates Terrific Youth Reading), a program designed to capitalize on the recent "scrapbooking craze" to increase youth reading levels through individual vouchers and major tax-breaks to the American scrapbooking industry.
"One of my favorite new singers, Kelis, sings about how her 'milkshakes' bring all the boys to her yard, and it is this exact same proposition we seeing in regards to scrapbooking and teen literacy," says Davis. "We view teen scrapbooks as the 'milkshakes of teen literacy' that will bring underperforming teen readers to the 'yard' of teen literacy. Let's face it -- if teens won't read about themselves, in their own scrapbooks, then what will they read about? What's wrong with capitalizing on our youth culture's own narcissism to 'trick' underperforming teens right into literacy!"
Davis continues to push for swift passage of her Yoga Mat Cleanliness Act (YMCA) through taped appearances with New York-based actress Sarah Jessica Parker. “As Chad Lavigne recently pointed out, Sarah has a remarkable nose. Get her within four feet of an unclean yoga mat, and she can sniff out those tinea cruris germs in a twinkling – and that has been useful on more than one occasion!” Davis also continues to work with the Congressional Black Caucus to force the racial integration of television's highly popular "The Daily Show;" and is making plans for her Valentine’s Day introduction of a new legislative package to create “Sexy Fridays” nationwide.
Prior to responding to the call of democracy, Congresswoman Davis was a star of stage and screen, appearing with show business luminaries such as Helen Hunt, Amy Sedaris, Nathan Lane, Bette Midler, Leslie Kritzer, Woody Allen, Kristin Chenoweth, Paul Dinello, Matthew Broderick, Martin Short and Susan Sarandon. Davis, known widely as the “face behind the Pashmina” for her role in successfully launching that foreign garment into closets of middle America, skyrocketed to fame in the 1990's with her lively rock-anthem "Baby Dance," which reached No. 4 on the Billboard pop charts. Davis was appointed to her Congressional seat late last year after the tragic death of her husband and was re-elected this November by a "slim but substantial majority." Prior to leaving show business to represent her Congressional district, Davis also played the role of Penny Pingleton in numerous regional performances of "Hairspray."
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