Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Majority Oppose "Surge and Accelerate"

An overwhelming number of Americans oppose Bush's plans to send 20,000 new troops to Iraq with a new poll showing that opposition to the move stands at 61% whilst those supporting it come in at only 36%. These findings also reveal that Bush's job approval rating concerning the Iraq war has fallen to 26%, a record new low.

White House spokesman Tony Snow parried with reporters Monday over congressional and public opposition to the idea of sending more troops.

"I think the public opinion and public support is a very important part of this, and it is not static," he said. "You know, this is going to be fairly complex, and it's going to take people a little bit of time to think through, and we will spend a lot of time talking about it because it's important to do so."
Ah, so once again the public simply need this "fairly complex" issue explained to them and then they will come round to the Bush way of thinking. Could these buggers be more patronising?
While Bush has often said his war strategy won't be based on polls, three of four Americans say the government's decisions on Iraq ought to be influenced at least a moderate amount by what the public wants.
The public made their opinion on this war very clear in the mid term elections, Bush is now attempting to ignore them because - if we are to believe Tony Snow's comments - the public are simply too thick to understand the complexity of the issue under discussion.

As always with the Bushites, they are right and we are wrong because we simply don't understand the issues at stake.

Does it ever occur to Republicans that we might disagree because we see the policy as a failed one? Or is the subject of failure one that is not allowed to be considered in Bush's White House?

Click title for full article.

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