Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Kristol on the Baker Report

What's extraordinary about listening to the remaining neo-cons who advocate that the US should increase it's presence in Iraq is the fact that they still talk of a possible victory. Crooks and Liars have wonderful clip here of William Kristol salivating as he talks of a "long surge" in Iraq. He even goes as far as describing Bush in Reaganite terms if only he will ignore the Baker Report, conventional wisdom and the American public.

In the clip below, we see Kristol's reaction to the Baker Report. Please notice how the report is not "serious". Anything that doesn't allow the fantasy of American victory, simply isn't "serious". He says that Baker should be honest if he thinks the war cannot be won, however, this ignores the fact that the document was prepared specifically as a way of allowing Bush to save face and not to have to acknowledge the size of his defeat.

What is undeniable is that the warmongers are now amongst the minority.

They are now, finally, exposing themselves as the isolated lunatics that some of us always knew they were. It's been a long time coming...

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