Thursday, December 21, 2006

Baghdad's new Bob Hope

Bill O'Reilly goes to Iraq and appears to be signing autographs as his part of the war effort. I notice that throughout this entire film all he ever does is promote himself and his book, as if his mere presence is enough to boost morale. He was never really a journalist, but here he even gives up the pretence and exposes himself as merely the cheerleader for a failed war.

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theBhc said...

Hah! that is hilarious. Merry Christmas! Read my bullshit book.

Baghdad Bob, I think we can call him, though I don't get why anyone would call him that. He seemed dour, hardly a personable presence.

Kel said...

It is the oddest thing I've ever seen. He really does believe that his presence is enough to lift people in a war zone. A total arsehole!

Merry Christmas Bhc!

theBhc said...

You too, Kel. Hey, did you ever get that package I sent?

Kel said...

I'm in Scotland at the moment, although a neighbour forwarded my mail and the post office have stated that they have a parcel for me to collect. It must be your parcel!

theBhc said...

Ah Scotland! Last I was there was for the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh last summer. Bloody fantastic! I love that town.

Kel said...

The Festival is fantastic. I'm on the west coast though, which is beautiful in a different way. Spent the weekend in Argyll, which is craggy and fabulous.