Monday, October 23, 2006

Barack Obama: 'I may run for President'

Barak Obama is said to be reconsidering his decision not to run for the Democratic nomination in 2008.

The Illinois Democrat, whose compelling life story and gentle intelligence make him one of the rare politicians who appeals to Americans of all ideological persuasions, told a television interviewer he was no longer "unequivocally" opposed to a White House run as he has been.

"Given the response I've been getting the past several months, I have thought about the possibility," Mr Obama told NBC's Meet The Press. After next month's mid-term elections, he continued, he would "sit down and consider it".

Readers of this blog will know that I am a big fan of Mr Obama, however, I do wonder if his inexperience will not prove a hindrance were he to go, at this stage, for the Presidency. Of course, there are many advantages that the young Mr Obama possesses. The fact that he could become the first ever black President of the United States is a point in his favour rather than a hindrance. Of course, there would be racists in the south who would be appalled by such a prospect, however, I feel punters are suckers for the chance to create history and that this could actually work to his advantage. Margaret Thatcher was elected in the UK primarily for the reason that we had never had a female Prime Minister.

Of course, with Hillary rumoured to be about to take a shot at becoming the first ever female President, there are no shortages of possible history makers amongst the Democratic nominees.

Perhaps Mr Obama would be better to put his name forward as a possible VP at this stage. That would certainly be a history making package with the first ever female President and the first ever black Vice President both on the same ticket.

And one thing seems certain, after his speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention in which he emphasised the things that united Americans rather than the things that divide them, this young man is a rising star of the future.

Click title for full article.

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