Friday, September 15, 2006


The whole nature of American democracy is under attack by the installing of electronic voting machines. I've never understood why any nation would allow this, just as I've never understood why people in the world's "greatest democracy" have to wait hours in line to vote. In Britain, you never have to queue and you simply mark who you want to vote for with a pencil on a piece of paper. It works, so why do anything different?


Ingrid said...

I just complained to my husband that in this country, they make it difficult to vote. You have to be registered and in most states registered within 30 days of an election before you can vote. In holland, you get a card in the mail that says, here is the closest polling station near your house with times and dates and that's it. Here, they and I would think both parties, are loath to bring any election and campaign reform in..
it's unbelievable indeed

Kel said...

I di find the rigmarole you have to go through in order to vote in the States quite breathtaking. It's the long queues that get me where they try to turn voting into an endurance test. Talk about a blatant attempt to disenfranchise the people!