Friday, August 11, 2006

Daily show covers Joe's No-Mentum


- said...


I see 4 of the "reported" terrorists came from High Wycombe. I wonder how long before the feds pay me a visit.


- said...

When you are posting the embeded yuotube stuff what does the code look like?

Kel said...

You're in High Wycombe? I was there last summer visiting that extraordinary yellow house. Beautiful part of the country. I also went down some masonic caves near there, but it was so claustrophobic I almost shit myself.

Blogger won't allow me to post the code here. Send me an email and I'll email the code back to you so you can see what it looks like.

- said...

No I was born there. Moved away as a young lad

Kel said...

I'm about half an hour from there. It's a beautiful part of the world.