Saturday, July 22, 2006

Paxman interviews Coulter on Newsnight.

Ann Coulter has appeared on British TV being interviewed by the legendary Paxman. What's interesting is that Paxman, who is known for his ruthlessness, can't take her remotely seriously and doesn't believe that she believes the things she writes.

He does well though to ask her what she believes in if she dismisses evolution and she denies that she believes the world was built in six days. She doesn't know what she believes, she only knows what she doesn't believe. Further proof that she's simply pandering to the Christian right without actually sharing their values.

She also says that Liberalism is taught in American schools, "six hours a day, twelve days a week" proving she's as thick as shit in the neck of a bottle. Her voice is also more annoyingly raspy than I've noticed before. Maybe it's the fact that she's not shouting and the bile is having to find another route out of her toxic system.

At the end, Paxman dismisses her with a laugh to himself. He plainly knows she's a crazy person.


Unknown said...

"Number one in America." The pointy tip of the spear. The Marines of punditry. The leading U.S. representative to Planet Earth.

"Hi. I'm Ann Coulter and I have a message from the U.S. We're here to kill you all."

AF said...

Ive heard about this woman, this is the first time I've actually seen and heard her speak.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Step aside Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson...

Kel said...

She really is an abomination that woman. And for her to pretend that she has Christian values is simply beyond the pale.