Ned Lamont Campaign Ad
Who would believe it? A politician with a sense of humour. This is Ned Lamont's new campaign ad.
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." - John Kenneth Galbraith.
Who would believe it? A politician with a sense of humour. This is Ned Lamont's new campaign ad.
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4:30 PM
That is why the greatest danger of all is to allow new walls to divide us from one another.
The walls between old allies on either side of the Atlantic cannot stand. The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between races and tribes; natives and immigrants; Christian and Muslim and Jew cannot stand. These now are the walls we must tear down.
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Creative Commons License.
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"Those who would sacrifice a little liberty for a perceived increase in security, deserve neither - and will eventually lose both." Benjamin Franklin.
Blogosphere of the Libertarian Left Ring Owner: Thomas Knapp Site: Blogosphere of the Libertarian Left |
Beautiful. Did I tell you I live in Connecticut? You can bet I'll be voting for Ned Lamont on August 8th, despite my complete and utter certainty that voting does absolutely nothing but distract people from the unfathomable corruption beyond our most wild imaginings that have effectively burned democracy to the ground and peed on its ashes. In other words, I hate Lieberman so much that I am willingly going to engage in doublethink by voting. This is a confession. It's really sick, isn't it? Hey, at least I'm honest about it. I feel really dirty. But dammit, I'm going to vote. I'm still not ready to surrender my most childish beliefs. Ugh. Going into that voting booth is going to feel like masturbating in public. Totally humiliating. Do you smell my abject confusion? Do you feel my pain? Anyway, I like the ad. It's entertaining, and beyond all my better judgment, it makes me like LaMont even more. Sickening.
I felt similarly soiled when I forced myself to vote for Blair at the last general election as the idea of allowing Howard in through the backdoor was simply too repulsive.
After a long email exchange with Polly Toynbee at The Guardian I forced her to send me a clothes peg to wear on my nose as I entered the booth to make the whole disgusting process palitable.
God bless her, she sent it.
If you need a clothes peg despatched to Connecticut, just let me know!
That's awesome! The Guardian! Off-topic, I've been in touch with Kevin Barrett myself. I'm trying to help support him as these neocons in Wisconsin try to publicly fleece him. Actually, my aim is to play some political hardball on this, as you read. I seriously do want to scare out their skeletons from the closet and put them on display. I want to really ruin these guys. I want to play dirty and mean. So if you hear anything nasty about Wisconsin State Rep. Stephen Nass (R-Whitewater), U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-Wisc.), and Democratic Governor of Wisconsin Jim Doyle, let me know.
I became aware of Kevin Barrett through your site and watched his interview with fatty Hannity.
Hannity really believes that anyone that doesn't share his corporate mindset is a whacko.
And I must admit the chances of me hearing anything nasty about Wisconsin State Rep. Stephen Nass or U.S. Rep. Mark Green here in leafy Osterley are rather remote. However, I will keep my ears peeled around the water cooler.
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