Multiculturalism is London's strength.
As you know I devoted yesterday's postings solely to the anniversary of the 7-7 bombings in London and was immensely moved by the way the entire city, Christian, Muslim, Jew and Hindu stood united, sending a clear message to al Qaeda that they would never divide us no matter how many of us they killed.
It would appear that not everyone saw the events the way I did.
Michelle Malkin has asked, "What good is remembrance if it is wrapped not in resolve, but appeasement?"
I didn't see appeasement on the streets of London yesterday, I saw immense resolve. I saw a nation refusing to be cowed.
However, as is so often the way with Malkin's strange and fractured blog, she rarely actually goes to the bother of making a rational argument herself and often quotes others as "nailing" exactly her sentiments. In this case she quotes Diana West who, in an article for the Washington Times wrote:
Just in time for the one-year anniversary of 7/7, a poll conducted for The Times of London indicates that 13 percent of British Muslims believe that the four Islamic suicide bombers who murdered 52 people in London last July should be regarded as "martyrs."Now my reading of that figure would be that 87% of British Muslims do not regard the four Islamic suicide bombers as martyrs, which is a very positive thing.
However, Malkin and her ilk seem determined to do al Qaeda's work for them. London Mayor Ken Livingston has said that one of al Qaeda's aims was, " To divide London. They seek to turn Londoners against each other and Londoners will not be divided by this cowardly attack."
If Livingston is correct, and al Qaeda seek to turn Christian against Muslim and vice versa by these savage attacks then Malkin, in this regard, would appear to share al Qaeda's values. She sees the fact that here in Britain we allow people to live according to their own sets of beliefs and values, as long as they stay within the perameters of the law, as "appeasement."
Indeed, she also links to an article concerning Sir Nicholas Winterton’s assertion's that Britain faces terrorist attacks because of it's multiculturalism. She also links to a rather bizarre article claiming that England is considering dropping Saint George as it's patron saint because it might offend Muslims.
Throughout her piece - I can't honestly call it an argument because she lacks the intellectual capacity to form one, and instead makes her case by linking to other people who do her hating more eloquently than she can - the overwhelming message is that Muslims are the problem and that we need to get tougher with Muslims.
Like many on the right, Malkin is fuelled by hate - and to be fair to her - she hates very well.
However, I wonder if there ever comes a point when she realises that she has become part of the problem rather than the solution.
On the streets of London yesterday, Muslims stood with Christians and Jews and Hindus and Atheists and sent an unmistakable message that we, the people of London, enjoy living in the most multicultural city in the world, we feel our lives are richer and more interesting because of the unique mixture of all of our cultures and backgrounds, and that we overwhelmingly and resolutely reject any attempt to divide us along ethnic lines.
Our diversity is our strength. We stood together yesterday as Londoners. Regardless of our backgrounds or our religions, we have elected to come and live in the most multicultural city in the world. That's what we like about it. That's what makes us Londoners.
What a terrible shame that hatred has blinded Michelle Malkin to that fact. She would rather that we look at each other with suspicion. That we look at the 13% that divide us rather than at the 87% that unite us.
Her only real condemnation is that we don't hate enough. And she's right. We don't.
And London's a better place because of that.
This Malkin phenomenon is truly an embarrassment. I was talking with a friend of mine last night about the increasingly extreme positions Malkin, Coulter and the rest of these wackos have taken (especially Coulter). We concluded (somewhat hopefully, I admit) that they have jumped the shark. Coulter was pounded by her bloggy fan-base for the 9/11 widow comments. The NY Times treason call has also demonstrated just how fascistic, just how crazed they are. The NRO, a "news" outlet calling for government control of the news, was truly as dissonant as anything can get.
Of course, we could be wrong. These intellectually stunted yowlers have managed to parlay an odious outlook into big bucks so far. And with vehicles like Fox News, which is more than happy to bring these twits in front of viewers nightly, will continue it until they can't. As we saw earlier, Fox News ratings have plummeted lately and I suspect part of all of that is due to the their insistance in foisting the like of Coulter and Malkin upon the audience. People are tuning out.
At least, I hope that is what's going on.
I honestly believe that you and I between us do more actual writing on a daily basis than Malkin does in two. She's just a cut and paster who throws other people's opinions at you and says things like, "They've nailed how I feel."
She's really no more than a right wing echo chamber.
What's most exhausting about both Malkin and Coulter - who does at least actually write the insane stuff she passes for her opinion - is that they are both fuelled by such hatred. I think people must be turning off to that as it is so tiring to be faced that level of outrage day after day.
And Coulter has now got to the point where she is actually trying to cause outrage. The problem with that tactic, of course, is that it is almost inevitable that you will go too far, even for a base as loony as hers.
And the 9-11 widows comment was that point. The right wing have almost claimed 9-11 as their own tragedy. It happened to them, not to the whole country. To attack the widows of their tragedy, even widows who had opposed Bush, was too much for them to take.
And if you ever find Colmes beating you in an argument, as he did recently when she foolishly called him a supporter of Saddam, you really must be on very thin ice; as, let's face it, he's not what I'd call ferocious.
However, she has further boxed herself in due to this ridiculous stance she has adopted where you "never apologise to a Liberal."
When you say as many whakco things as she does on a daily basis it's wise to leave yourself an escape hatch.
When Colmes nailed her, it would have been better for her to have withdrawn the point immediately. She refused and looked not only dishonest, but stupid and bad mannered.
And when you start losing the right wing blogs, you really have got to be "out there" as most of them are whackos themselves.
So I hope people are tuning out. I know I find it hard to take either of them even remotely seriously.
Oh, we've got to get the Ravner video out to as many people as possible.
It's blatant that he's constructed that argument as a way of getting round the charge of collective punishment as they are allowed to do certain things if there is a military neccessity.
However, it's clear he hadn't thought the argument through to it's logical conclusion. It sounds like he's trying to aid the smugglers in his version.
I've sent it to Crooks and Liars in the hope that they'll publish it.
It's bloody priceless. I love how he then claims "there are other reasons that I won't go into."
Hmmm. Having had your first reason blow up in your face, it's maybe wise to take time out to reconsider.
I have a hard time understanding how the pudding containers residing atop leftist necks works. We have in this post the obligatory stirring clarion call for "racial harmony" and a fictional account of how Londoners stood foursquare refusing to be divided along ethnic lines yada yada...when in fact nothing of the sort was implied by people who were simply pissed off at being blown up. That means, of course that most of this nonsense about the benefits of multiculturalism is imputed.
On that topic, you apparently don't understand what multiculturalism is an explicit division along ethnic...oh, sorry..."cultural" lines. Division is the entire premise of multiculturalism.
Finally, you claim that no appeasement is taking place, and yet here: you castigate Blair for not implimenting Muslim demands...oops, I mean "suggestions".
Pull your collective heads out of the sand and at least try to grasp a tad of logic.
Your have a stupid screen name.
Thank you for coming here until your meds wear off. As soon as you lose that glazed look we'll let you back into the street.
As for your allegation that I gave a fictional account of Londoners standing side by side, you're talking through your arsehole. Were you in London on that day? No? Well, I was. And that is exactly what happened.
And the attack was an attempt to divide us. Here's a quote from Ken Livingstone, the London Mayor.
They seek to divide Londoners. They seek to turn Londoners against each other. I said yesterday to the International Olympic Committee, that the city of London is the greatest in the world, because everybody lives side by side in harmony. Londoners will not be divided by this cowardly attack. They will stand together in solidarity alongside those who have been injured and those who have been bereaved and that is why I'm proud to be the mayor of that city.
You also reveal your profound ignorance when you describe multiculturalism as "an explicit division along ethnic lines". It is nothing of the sort. It is a group of people from many different backgrounds coexisting peacefully alongside each other, each allowing others to express their own faiths and beliefs whilst accepting that we have communality.
And as for your rather bizarre claim that the Muslim population are trying to force Blair to accept their proposals, you might want to read up on a subject before you pontificate upon it. Blair asked them to provide the suggestions and said he would implement them.
The complaint is that he is taking an age to do so.
Feeling better? Good.
Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out.
Hey Kel, isn't that last sentence from my Fair Lady? You cut and paster!!
Ingrid (hehe)
Damn it, Ingrid! You've "nailed" me as Michelle Malkin might say!
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