Thursday, July 20, 2006

Jon Stewart on Crossfire

I love Jon Stewart. Going to on to someone else's show to tell them that their show sucks takes balls.

He then discusses on his show what the experience was like.

Crossfire has since been pulled.


Unknown said...

John Stewart makes me like people again. I loved what he did to that bowtie-befitted twerp. That's the way to do it. Just get in their face and tell 'em how they suck. That's the only way to get through to the zombies. They're not into nuance, reason, rationality, et cetera. Intelligent debate is for normal people. But when talking to a zombie: smack' em down hard until they can't get back up. Remember Tommy? You can't reason with these people.

Kel said...


Remember Tommy? He just fucked off didn't he?

And I loved Stewart's version of what happened on Crosstalk on his own show. He's so brilliantly clever AND funny.

Unknown said...

Yeah, Tommy really shit his pants when he realized we're not fronting and faking when we say we're mildly interested *cough* obsessed *cough* with the truth. No amount of ridicule from these zombies really matters. Their insults and dismissals are based in their own abject terror of being different. They are of flimsy and unsubstantial constitution, and therefore will always behave as cowards. They should all just crawl back into their mommy's wombs where everything is familiar and safe and soaked in mucous.

Unknown said...

Let the record show that I solemnly second the motion.

Kel said...

I third it! If such a thing is possible.

Unknown said...

Very well, the motion is hereby put to a vote. If the motion is unanimous, then so it shall be.

Kel said...

Unanimous it is! Is he President yet?