Thursday, June 29, 2006

Swift was no secret

This is hysterical.

With many Republicans lining up calling for the Editor of the New York Times to face police charges for committing the crime of treason when his newspaper revealed the existence of SWIFT, it comes as a bit of a shock to realise that there never was any secret in the first place as Bush and others have long made it clear that he was following the money of terrorists.

Media Matters gathers the hysterical accusations here.

Crooks and Liars have the video of Olbermann going through the evidence revealing just how public all this stuff was.

Once again it appears that Bush and Co are trying to batter the media into submission rather than actually defending the US national interests.

Watch the C&L video here.


Anonymous said...

Actually there are several instances where SWIFT has been used to track terrorists successfully. Hambali in Indonesia was one example.

Now that this program has recieved this sort of publicity, it may very well be ineffective in the future.

The NYT is a disgrace.

- said...

Olbermenn should run for office. I would vote for him.

Unknown said...

Tommy. Your opinion is but an echo of false logic. Everybody knows the government can track your money. They can track everything! Duh! One more time now. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh! The NYT article was not news. That's what I think. I don't like the NYT any more than you do, but not for the same reason. I think they are cowards and therefore unable to report on anything that was previously unknown. They should have gone much further than they did when they published the SWIFT article. The fact that you so-called "conservatives" (neocon echo chambers) keep trumpeting and multiplying the NYT article pretty much undercuts everything you say about loose lips sinking ships. If you think people should shut up, then I suggest you take you own advice. Less dialogue is better? Then get off the Internet. Fool.

Ingrid said...

Docstrangelove makes case in point by exposing how much the average Bangladeshi knows about SWIFT. What a drama these people..haha. Now onto the next 'big deal'..
tsk tsk..

Kel said...


Thanks for the laugh. The fact that you continue to hold the neo-con line even after it has been exposed as sham logic says that you are a loyal foot soldier who meekly follows the governments line.

In other words, you're a Republican.

Unknown said...

Yeah Kel! I feel bad for some of these robots with their conformism and their echoing lies. They call it "unity". LOL.

Ingrid: yeah, I agree, this whole NYT thing was NOT a big deal. It was as big a deal as the uber-important news about Britanny Spears' baby. Or about the stupid, mindless, vapid (add your own adjectives!) debate about video games in Congress. The list goes on. On and on. Sometimes I feel like I'm gonna retch all over my monitor.