Monday, April 17, 2006

Pity the Palestinians

In a move that will, no doubt, further distance the US and Ahmadinejad's Iranian regime, Iran's foreign minister, Manouchehr Mottaki yesterday pledged $50 million in aid to the Palestinian Authority which is suffering acute financial distress thanks to the Israeli decision to hold back Palestinian funds, and the decision of the US and EU to hold back any assistance towards the Palestinian Authority until Hamas recognise Israel, a demand that they must know Hamas will not comply to.

However, the move is no more than an elastoplast being applied to a gaping wound.

The Palestinian Authorities have a need for $170 million a month, and are already $1.7billion in debt.

Meanwhile 300 Israeli shells are daily falling on to the Gaza Strip. A place where there are now shortages of both money and food and where Human Rights organisations say there is every chance of a humanitarian disaster on the scale of Kosovo.

This is from the blog of a Palestinian mother:

The shells keep falling. They’ve gotten inside my head, so that its not just my house shaking but but my brain throbbing. It’s like someone is banging a gong next to my ear every few minutes; sometimes 5 times a minute, like last night. And just when I savor a few moments of silence, it starts again as if to say “you're not going to get away that easily.”

We went to sleep to the rattling of our windows and invasive pounding and after-echo of the shells. We sleep as they fall. We pray fajir, and they fall again. We wake, and they are still falling. When they are closer, when they fall in Shija'iya east of Gaza City, they make my stomach drop. And I want to hide, but I don't know where.

The Earth is Closing in on Us.
They are being attacked and abused in every way possible; and all because they had the temerity to elect a government that the US and Israel disapprove of.

I won't repeat myself as I ranted about this yesterday, but what is being done to these people - in our name - should be a source of shame to all of us.

In the national press there is almost silence on this issue. There certainly isn't the level of outrage were an atrocity on this scale to be carried out in a European country.

Pity the Palestinians. They suffer in silence and no-one hears their screams.

Related Articles:

Euro deputies warn that EU risks turning Palestine crisis into catastrophe

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