Friday, April 07, 2006

'If you start looking at them as humans, then how are you gonna kill them?'

As if Bush isn't in enough trouble with news that he authorised the very leak that he claimed to abhor, now comes this.

A group of Iraq War Veterans have turned against the war, and what they have to say does not make pleasant reading.

Casey told us how, from the top down, there was little regard for the Iraqis, who were routinely called "hajjis", the Iraq equivalent of "gook". "They basically jam into your head: 'This is hajji! This is hajji!' You totally take the human being out of it and make them into a video game."

It was a way of dehumanising the Iraqis? "I mean, yeah - if you start looking at them as humans, and stuff like that, then how are you going to kill them?"

Click title to read story.

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