Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Europe moves closer to sanctions on Iran

The US and the EU are splitting over what possible actions to take against Iran should she fail to stop developing uranium.

Europe yesterday moved closer to trade sanctions and visa bans against Iran, but EU foreign ministers rejected any idea of military force against Tehran for refusing to co-operate with the United Nations over its nuclear programme.

The White House dismissed reports that it was preparing military action, including a possible tactical nuclear strike, to destroy suspected Iranian atomic weapon sites. Mr Bush said force was not necessarily required to stop Tehran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, and said reports of plans for a military attack was "wild speculation".

You will note that Bush's claim that plans for a nuclear attack on Iran are "wild speculation" is actually a non-denial.

It is obvious that the current unhinged members of the White House still regard military action as a possibility.

It now appears that they are totally on their own and that the Europeans will not join them.

As events in Iraq proved, this does not necessarily mean Bush's hands are tied, but with his polling numbers at the South Pole, it is unlikely that he will find the US public supporting any call for military action.

As I argued here, I have always thought Bush was going down a dead end street by approaching the Security Council who, ulitmately, will never give him what he wants. The danger for all of us is what this messianic little man will do when he realises that his path is blocked.

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