Wednesday, April 19, 2006

"The Decider" backs Rummy!

"I'm the decider, and I decide what's best."

It was with the kind of eloquence that we have come to expect from our self-proclaimed war President, that the Commander in Chief launched his spirited defence of Donald Rumsfeld.

We have not yet been informed of whether God has spoken to Mr Bush about the Defence Secretary remaining in position, but details of this may follow in due course.

What remains clear, however, is that "the decider" has chosen to put the full weight of his Presidency behind the man who six retired Generals have demanded must be fired.

There is no need for undue concern as "the decider" has made many decisions in the past, some involving God's direct intervention, and some on his own initiative.

Thanks to the wise decisions of "the decider" the people of New Orleans floated in their own excrement for five days without any Federal assistance, and the US remains stranded in the middle of a civil war in Iraq with no plans to leave in the foreseeable future.

Future decisions from "the decider" may include unleashing nuclear weapons towards Iran and the destabilising of the entire Middle East.

With such a noble track record I, for one, feel confident that "the decider" will once again get it right, and that his decision to hold on to the man who once, when asked why the US were dropping outlawed cluster bombs in Afghanistan replied, "To kill people"; will be proven the right one.

Now is not a time for doubt.

"The decider" will tell us if, and when, that time comes. Once, God has told him.

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