Saturday, March 25, 2006

If You Want To Impress Me, Go To Baghdad

Soldier from Iraq writes to Michael Moore:

This is the worst leadership in the history of leading and to get on national television telling lies about “They are doing so much over here” is pathetic. How would you know if you only visit places that are not in any type of danger? What is going on in Kuwait? Nothing. If you want to impress me, go to Baghdad where there is suicide bombings everyday where soldiers are dying. Not where you can give a concert and feel good about yourself? You should have known that if you and your brother manipulate the voting system that will stop you from doing the same to the world.

To be honest a lot of military personnel do not have any thing good to say about this Commander in Chief, he has proven to the world that he is truly the biggest fraud that the world has seen.

Click on title to read full letter.

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