Friday, March 31, 2006

The Democrats: Missing in Action

This article asks a few questions that have been spinning around my head of late. Basically, where are the Democrats? Why are they sitting around impotently whilst Bush rips up the Constitution? Why are they ignoring Fiengold's calls for Bush to be censored? Where is their voice? Why aren't we hearing them?

“Last month ... President Bush signed into law a bill that never passed the house.” In effect, this demotes the Congress of the United States from a law-making to an “advisory” body.

Meanwhile, the Congress, the courts, the media, the Democratic Party, and public acquiesce in silence.

We’ve not fully descended to totalitarianism. Dissent, however muted, is still tolerated. (But don’t you dare protest within sight or earshot of “Our Leader”).

Those of us who continue to criticize the regime have not yet been charged with “thought-crime,” and sent to “re-education camps.” Not yet.

So the task before us is not to protect our democracy; it’s too late for that. Our task is to restore our democracy, to re-institute the government we once had, “deriving [its] just powers from the consent of the governed.”

Click on title for full story.

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