Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Bush Just Can't Stop Lying

Americans who tuned in for one of President George W. Bush's rare press conferences saw a cornered animal trying to squirm his way out of trouble by doing what he has always done - evading the truth.

"President Bush exhibited symptoms of pathological prevarication," says Dr. Stephanie Crossfield, a psychologist who treats people who have trouble telling the truth and who watched Bush's performances on Monday and Tuesday at my request. "His eye movements, gestures, and changes in voice tone all display traits of consistent evasion of the truth."

"Eye movement is difficult to control," she said. "You find that the eyes dart away in specific patterns when a person is not telling the truth. The President's eyes dart a great deal. He is not comfortable facing the truth."

"President Bush marches deeper and deeper into a world of his own," says Dr. Frank. "Central to Bush's world is an iron will which demands that external reality be changed to conform to his personal view of how things are."

Republicans reluctantly admit Bush has lost touch with the truth. Sen. Chuck Hagel says the President is "disconnected from reality."

Even Republicans are finding it hard to justify Bush's increasingly deranged optimism on the war that he now foresees as lasting longer than the Korean War or the US's involvement in WWII. Indeed, Bush now admits that it won't be concluded during his time in office.

One would be forgiven for thinking that such an admission would humble Mr Mission Accomplished. But, as the article says, the man is totally delusional.

Read the article here.

1 comment:

Kel said...

Amen to that Onanite! I agree completely.