Friday, March 24, 2006

Bibi: We can prevent Olmert from forming a coalition

The Right could still win enough support to prevent Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert from forming a coalition, Likud chairman Binyamin Netanyahu predicted on Thursday. His remarks came after Olmert limited Kadima's prospective coalition partners to parties that accept his plan to withdraw unilaterally from most of the West Bank.

But Minister-without-Portfolio Tzahi Hanegbi, who is considered Kadima's most rightwing candidate, told The Jerusalem Post that even the Likud would end up joining a government led by Olmert, and that he did not think Olmert had veered from the path Ariel Sharon had intended to follow.

I can't keep my eyes off what is going on in Israel.

Netanyahu represents the past. A tired old reactionary who still believes that Israel can hold on to "Judea and Samaria" despite around 70 UN resolutions saying that any settlement on Occupied Territory is illegal, "and that the passage of time will not change their illegality".

It really is saying something when Ariel Sharon, the godfather of the settlements, realised that - for the sake of Israel - the settlements have to be sacrificed.

And then up pops Netanyahu, shameless, demanding that more Israeli lives must be squandered to hold on to land that international law says isn't theirs. What an arse.

Click on title for full story.

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