Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lyndsey Graham defends the oppressed Caucasian male.

Lyndsey Graham finally gets to ask Sotomayer about that "wise Latina" comment. However, I note that he backs off from claiming that he detects racism in that quote and now only asks that Sotomayer consider the reaction were he to have made a similar comment.

He's once again portraying the Caucasian male as the underdog. As a victim who is being unfairly held to a higher standard than everyone else. He sees a world in which everything is slanted towards "minorities" and the most powerful groups, all of which he belongs to - white, male, Christian, heterosexual - are actually the underdogs who are being picked upon.

At the heart of his comments are a belief that political correctness has gone mad and that everything now favours the minorities. It's a familiar right wing rant which enables people born into life's most advantageous groups to portray themselves as, somehow, the victims of the piece.

1 comment:

Steel Phoenix said...

The white, male, Christian, heterosexua firefighters that Sotomayor ruled against weren't part of 'life's most advantageous groups'; the Supreme Court knew it and they overruled her.